Usage guide

TypeScript integration

next-intl integrates with TypeScript out-of-the box without additional setup. You can however provide the shape of your messages to get autocompletion and type safety for your namespaces and message keys.

// messages.json

  "About": {
    "title": "Hello"
// About.tsx

function About() {
  // ✅ Valid namespace
  const t = useTranslations('About');

  // ✖️ Unknown message key

  // ✅ Valid message key
  return <p>{t('title')}</p>;

To do this, add a global type definition file in your project root (e.g. global.d.ts):

// Use type safe message keys with `next-intl`
type Messages = typeof import('./messages/en.json');
declare interface IntlMessages extends Messages {}

You can freely define the interface, but if you have your messages available locally, it can be helpful to automatically create the interface based on a messages sample by importing it.


If this setup isn't working immediately for you, please double check that:

  1. Your interface is called IntlMessage.
  2. You're using TypeScript version 4 or later.
  3. The path of your import is correct.
  4. Your type declaration file is included in tsconfig.json.
  5. Your editor has loaded the most recent type declarations. When in doubt, please restart.